Sunday, August 24, 2008

August 24 2008

Work is getting done! It's looking great too. First a photo of the stove..this is from the camera,yes, the fireplace needs help..soon enough.

Now, look at the hall...everything is cleaned up, and ready for electric!

And here's a new pic of the front of the house on an angle..just almost like one of the first pics with the snow...

It's definitely looking up!

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now...not as dismal as it was!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

More cabinets!

Hubby finished two more cabinets! Not primed yet, but all put together!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Oh, the choices. everytime I stop at the home centers, I have to look at flooring tiles. I am compelled to do so. Now I bought some samples last time I was looking, and I was happy with the choice, but still not 100% sure.

So when I went back last night, I stopped and looked again, and I have decided. It is this one. These are the accent tiles, the floor will be 12 x 12 in the lighter color in this sample.

I assume, because I chose it twice, means it's meant to be..I had forgotten I picked some up when I got home, and saw I already had the same choice has to be then!

The wood stove was installed, the problem with the flu was taken care of, cost me $425.00 to have it fixed, and they I am happy with that. The chimney sweep guy was actually $50. cheaper than the company we bought it from.

I should have a nicer photo of the stove installed after this weekend.

Now..hubby isn't sure what else he will get to this weekend..he is concerned with the radiators..he'd like to take them down stairs and outside, power wash them, and give them a fresh coat of paint..since the winter is coming's important to get them hooked up. The problem is, if he takes time from the other work, it delays things some..but it has to be done. Th radiators are extremely large, and it won't be easy to drag them down the stairs, and then haul them back up...oh well...we were looking into a winch, but Lowes, didn't have any! We shall see.

Till next time!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Wood stove!

The wood stove came!! Woohoo!

Hold the's not installed yet! Problems..always problems...the chimney flu, changes size to a smaller than normal, the mason is coming, and will do this thingy with a tool, that will enlarge the whole, by cutting away at the bricks a, hopefully...Monday!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

a couple of different angles

Here are two more angles of the new windows..most of the rust has been removed from the siding, what a difference! BTW, all the windows on the second floor are installed!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Well some work was done, not exactly what we intended..but very rewarding anyway! In this photo, you can see two of the three new windows installed on the second floor.

In this photo, all three are in, AND the rust on the siding was washed off! Doesn't it look nice?

Here is a side view of the upper floor windows, there are 15 in all, and only 8 were installed, but it's looking great!

Other stuff was accomplished..the medicine cabinet was framed the electrician will know where we want the lighting to go...and the hearth was grouted...probably other things..but I can't think of them all. I am very pleased with the amount accomplished in one weekend...I am hoping to be able to get the electrician back in we can finally insulate before the winter!