Wednesday, November 5, 2008

possibly a delay

First some photos! IT'S FALL!

Now a photo of the old kitchen/diningroom area getting a spruce up, and some floor rebuilding.

Now, I posted a photo of this area last time, bathroom floor here it is all spiffed p a bit..the floor was reinforced, old beams were removed, and replaced with new..seems like the handy man way of installing plumbing was to just cut the beam if it's in the it needed reinforcing badly!

Now for a possible delay..Hubby seems to have a problem with a hernia..waiting for a surgeon visit to determine what's up, and how we shall see. Hubby thinks he did the heavy work last weekend, and may be able to get away with some clean-up this weekend..we shall's all up in the air!

1 comment:

loulee said...

Oo'er, I hope he's OK Janet.