Sunday, October 26, 2008

Moving downstairs!

First, I wanted to show a picture of the new bath. What did you want miracles? There are no walls yet..supposed to have sheet rock by next week..but I'm in no rush..lot's to work on on the first floor now!

Ya that we have running water..we don't need the disaster thing they called a bath downstairs! you can see in this's now gone! The floor was destroyed from leaks..and it was put together crummy..and yes, you guessed it..they cut the beams for the floor to add the shower's a wonder the floor still stood..but now that it's all opened up, we can repair that.

So..the dumpster is filled up, the carriage house is empty..finally..I will add some more picture tomorrow..I was in a hurry to post in all my I only resized the two photos. BTW the water upstairs runs, and has no leaks...who could ask for more!

1 comment:

loulee said...

Great news! Though I have to admit I don't think I'll be using that bathroom just yet!LOL