Sunday, February 15, 2009

Woohoo more walls!

I know, this must be getting boring for ya'll..but I'm really excited! Looky more walls! Here is a photo looking out the Master bedroom into the front stair landing.

Don't worry, the wire sticking out of the wall isn't electrical it's the cable line..not hooked up yet..just strung there. The wall to the right, the one that is still just beams, belongs to the bathroom..and further back is the master bathroom.

This next photo is the Master bedroom also..and it shows a view facing the front of the house..and the Master Closet is on the far right. Yeah I know it has windows also..I can work around's large enough.

This is also the master bedroom..but facing the front left side..Just behind the camera the Master Bathroom.

Next two photos of the master higher than the other ;) The beam in the corner is left exposed for now..they were 4x4 posts I believe.

Hubby isn't sure if he should box it in, leave it exposed...or just paint it white. another last minute decision!

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