Sunday, April 26, 2009

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel...

This weekend, brought a small amount of completion, but it really does make a difference. I am pretty sure, I showed this photo before,, with a small change, the beams on the ceiling, well, last time they were very cooked, and I remember commenting on how forgiving the plaster must have been, however it seems it was just hubby's eye at the time, he looked at it this weekend, and said, "what was I thinking?"

Obviously, it was just his thinking at the time, for he corrected his work today. He had to remove the beams he added, and re-level them. (shown below)

Now, for the photo, after drywall!

It's definitely looking up! Don't you think?

Now, here is just a photo of the first floor half bath ceiling. He had already installed the ceiling fan, but he had to run all the pipes for it, before enclosing it.

Basically, all ceilings are up, except he has to finish the parlor ceiling, the main pieces are up, he just has to cut some smaller pieces, and was waiting to see if there was any off cuts from the other rooms, which there wasn't. Last to be done, will be the sun porch, which we are storing all our kitchen cabinets and such in, so after we get the floor set in the kitchen, we can start evacuating the room.

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