Sunday, August 9, 2009

Going slow ....

Seems like things take forever.. but I realize how much effort is put into it. I look around, and can see the makings of a house.. it's so cool! When we bought it, it looked like a house, but then we did all the demolition, and I lost that perspective in the work process.

Here is a photo looking toward the front door. The doorbell was hung in place, just to get it off the floor.. I know, it isn't new, but I didn't want a new one.. this is original to the house, and I am trying to preserve that as much as I can. All we did was relocate it. It originally hung on the wall in the foyer, near the door.

As you could see by the picture above, the parlor is loaded with "stuff" we had to empty the sunporch, so we could hang the left over sheet rock to get it out of the way. Emptying the porch, was a major job.. it was loaded up with furniture, the kitchen cabinets, the corner china cabinet that came with the house...and my little refrigerator.

The next two pictures are of the sunporch, with the sheet rock hung on the ceiling. It was just short of completion.. we didn't realize what was left would go so far! Hubby figures he needs another 20 sheets, 4 x 8 to finish.. ~sigh~ so close yet so far!

Facing the back of the house:

Facing the front of the house:

These photos (below) were taken just so I can appreciate the green grass growing! Last trip there, there was snow on the ground. This is my back yard (postage stamp) As you can see the carriage house has some issues.. but we are hoping to help it out in the spring time.

Here is a view out my closet windows (second floor). I love the house across the street.. it has a lot of fancy woodwork on it, I am not sure if the photo shows it enough, you may have to click the photo to see it enlarged. The biggest problem with that house, is the space between it and the neighbors! OMG I could not be that close.. I am close enough.

Anyway, this trip, hubby came home with a little bit of a chip on his shoulder. Apparently sis-in-law had some things to say to him, that she really had no knowledge of, and angered him. Thank God it's his sister, not mine! It centered around me, yeah I know, I am in the middle again.. always me.. my fault.. but, he was able to put it aside for now.. but if she ever brings it up again, I know she will be sorry.... he won't hear it again. I don't want ill feeling, I am hoping to make this my home, and I want peace with my family members in the area.


loulee said...

My Grandparents had a door bell like that, it had the most beautiful sonorous chime.

Janet said...

I can't wait to get it hooked up.. it was not working when we bought the house.